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Green Pro Bono
Pro Bono Legal Assistance
Legal expertise
Type of Organization: NGO
Program Support: Tax Credits
Type of Support: 1:1 support

After receiving a request for pro bono legal services, our team, made up of volunteer lawyers, speaks with the organization to define their legal needs and assure the authenticity of the request. We then reach out to our wonderful pro bono attorneys, without whom Green Pro Bono would not be possible. We direct pro bono opportunities to lawyers and law firms depending on the specialty required, and then smoothly hand over the pre-packaged legal request. We stay in touch throughout the pro bono services relationship.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program (TCTACs)
Grant Writing, Project Design expertise
Type of Organization: Public
Program Support: Thriving Communities
Type of Support: 1:1 support

EPA has selected 16 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TCTACs) tasked with removing barriers and improving accessibility for communities with environmental justice concerns. These centers will provide training and other assistance to build capacity for navigating federal grant application systems, developing strong grant proposals, and effectively managing grant funding. In addition, these centers will provide guidance on community engagement, meeting facilitation, and translation and interpretation services for limited English-speaking participants, thus removing barriers and improving accessibility for communities with environmental justice concerns. Each of the technical assistance centers will also create and manage communication channels to ensure all communities have direct access to resources and information.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
BRIC Direct Technical Assistance
Grant Writing, Project Design expertise
Program Support: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities
Type of Support: 1:1 support

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Direct Technical Assistance (BRIC DTA) provides tailored support to communities and tribal nations that may not have the resources to begin climate resilience planning and project solution design on their own. Through process-oriented, hand-in-hand assistance, BRIC DTA will partner with communities interested in enhancing their capability and capacity to design holistic, equitable hazard mitigation solutions that advance community-driven objectives. FEMA will offer wide-ranging non-financial support to BRIC DTA communities, including climate risk assessments, community engagement, partnership building, and mitigation and climate adaptation planning. Support for BRIC DTA communities can range from pre-application activities to grant closeout.

Until Justice Data Partners
Until Justice Data Partners
General expertise
Type of Organization: Private
Type of Support: General

Offerings include campaign organizing, data consulting, research, community education, justice advocacy.

Transition US
Regeneration Nation Consulting Services
General expertise
Type of Organization: NGO
Type of Support: General

ReGeneration Nation is a three year project that will focus on nurturing a network ecosystem of regenerative communities actively sharing and co-creating the messages, models, and resources needed to reimagine and rebuild our world. Regeneration, as meme and mode of being, speaks to a life-affirming and justice-oriented suite of solutions that is inspiring remembrance, repair, and reimagination of everything from employment, education, to our food and financial systems, housing and healthcare.

Thriving Earth Exchange
Thriving Earth Exchange
Finance, Grant Writing, Project Design expertise
Type of Organization: NGO
Type of Support: 1:1 support, Training

Thriving Earth Exchange encourages communities of any type – including environmental justice communities, local governments, faith communities, etc. – to submit a priority, issue, and/or project idea related to natural hazards, environment health, pollution, natural resources, sustainability and resilience, or climate change.

Southeast Sustainability Directors Network
Southeast Sustainable Recovery Center
Finance expertise
Type of Organization: NGO
Type of Support: 1:1 support

The Southeast Sustainable Recovery Center (SSRC) provides a flexible service to fill gaps and help communities in the Southeast compete more successfully for funding opportunities from federal, state, and local sources. The SSRC coordinates with funding agency partners, and with a diversity of tools and resources, to provide guidance and information to SSDN’s membership of local government officers. It also functions as a communications and strategy development hub to maximize opportunities for federal investment into Southeastern communities’ sustainability and resilience priorities.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED)
Energy Improvements in Rural and Remote Communities
Energy, Finance expertise
Type of Organization: Public
Type of Support: 1:1 support

The Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) program was created as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to provide $1 billion over 5 years to support energy projects that will improve the resilience, safety, reliability, availability, and environmental performance of energy systems in rural or remote areas with populations of not more than 10,000 inhabitants.

Public Lab
Public Lab
General expertise
Type of Organization: NGO
Type of Support: Peer cohort

A community and a non-profit, democratizing science to address environmental issues that affect people.

Justice40 Accelerator
Technical Assistance
Grant Writing, Project Design expertise
Type of Organization: NGO
Type of Support: 1:1 support, Peer cohort

The Justice40 Accelerator supports climate and environmental justice organizations in building their capacity, partnerships, and readiness to access government funding to implement community-designed solutions.

1 - 10 of 82 records found

About the Data

Targeted support that is interactive (that is, this does not include tools, those are included in the Resource Library). All these resources must be free and related to the CPP programs in some way.

To add or update a resource, simply fill out this form!

The Climate Program Portal team works to ensure every resource has an up-to-date website URL before posting on our directory. Unfortunately, we know organizations, programs, or personal contacts may change over time and we are not able to keep every detail up to date. Please contact us using our form, here, if you would like a resource’s contact information or details updated.

Through original research and input from users. Particular thanks to the Environmental Protection Network for their help. Submit a resource here.