Across the economy, the IRA is creating opportunities to build projects, hire workers, and manufacture equipment needed to strengthen domestic supply chains, lower household energy costs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and pay good wages for those efforts. In this all-of-government effort, the U.S. Department of the Treasury is responsible for implementing major elements of the law, including tax incentives that spur investment in clean energy and manufacturing and that lower healthcare costs, corporate tax code reforms that enhance economic fairness, and Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) efforts to dramatically improve customer service, modernize technology, and ensure the wealthy and large corporations pay the taxes they legally owe.

Treasury’s Office of Tax Policy and the IRS develop tax regulations and guidance to implement the IRA’s energy credits and other tax law changes. In addition, Treasury provides the American public informational resources about the law’s incentives, programs, and policies and tells the story of its impact.

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Date: February 16, 2024

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