We have big plans for the year ahead to track federal opportunities and funding outcomes. Please view the Portal’s roadmap for upcoming developments:

Development Description Release Date
Wetlands Impact Tracker Launch a new tool that surfaces key data from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permits for oil and gas projects located in wetlands. Q1 2024
2023 Annual Report Release the second annual report on funding programs announced awards to date. Q2 2024
Technical Assistance Directory Revamp Revamp the Technical Assistance Directory to make it more user friendly and easier to add contact data. Q2 2024
Direct Pay Tax Credit Tool Work with BlueCrab Strategies and L4GG to build out tool on the website. Q3 2024
Funding Connector Build a tool to allow users to identify the funding that they want and then get alerts when there are developments related to that funding. Q3 2024

Got an idea? Please get in touch info@climateprogramportal.org