Safe Streets and Roads for All for Rural and Tribal Applicants Webinar

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DOT will conduct a webinar on the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program, focused on rural and tribal communities. SS4A funds regional, local, and tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. DOT’s Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success (ROUTES) and Thriving Communities teams are partnering to host this webinar to explain how the SS4A program can support planning, infrastructure, behavioral, and operational initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets involving all roadway users. The webinar will feature introductory remarks from Arlando Teller, Assistant Secretary for Tribal Affairs, Mariia Zimmerman, Strategic Advisor for Technical Assistance and Community Solutions, and Paul Teicher, SS4A Program Manager, along with an overview of the SS4A program, and Q&A. The session is free of charge but registration is required.