Progress Towards 100% Clean Energy: A State Leaders Roundtable

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This webinar will feature a panel discussion with leaders from California, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Mexico, and North Carolina on the status of their states’ efforts to decarbonize. They will discuss where they think their states are making the most progress, what the most significant challenges are, and what the opportunities are for close state-federal cooperation and for greater cooperation among states. This webinar will help set the stage for an upcoming event in Washington, DC, Advancing Towards 100% Clean Energy: A State-Federal Summit, which will take place on May 17-18.


  • Bryan Garcia, President, Connecticut Green Bank
  • Michelle Gransee, Deputy Commissioner for Division of Energy Resources, Minnesota Department of Commerce
  • David Hochschild, Chair, California Energy Commission
  • Louise Martinez, Director, Energy Conservation Management Division, New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department
  • Zach Pierce, Senior Advisor for Climate Change Policy, Office of North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper


  • Warren Leon, Executive Director, CESA