CPRG Implementation Grants Listening Session 2: Engaging with Communities on CPRG Benefits

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These sessions provide an additional opportunity for input on the CPRG implementation phase following the 2022 listening sessions and Request For Information (RFI), as well as the March release of the CPRG planning grant guidance. All comments previously provided to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0873 have been reviewed.

This session will begin with a brief overview of the legislative context and conclude with an interactive listening session.

1. What specific GHG emissions reduction measures (programs, policies, projects, or actions) that could be implemented through the CPRG would achieve the most significant benefits to low-income and disadvantaged communities (LIDACs)? At the state level? At the municipal level? Within tribes?

2. What are the most important additional outcomes that a program like CPRG could bring to you and your community?

3. What should EPA consider in the design of the program criteria to support meaningful engagement with communities?

4. What are the best strategies for states/locals/tribes to conduct meaningful engagement?

EPA will not be responding to questions or presenting new information during these sessions. Registration is required, and the slides and a recording will be posted after the listening sessions are complete. Spanish language translation services will be offered.

Presenters will open discussion on one question at a time, for responses of 3 minutes or less per individual. Those who are unable to attend or wish to provide written commentary on the CPRG Implementation Grants may email IRAStakeholders@epa.gov. Any questions about the planning phase of the program should email CPRG@epa.gov.