Application Guidance Webinar: Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity Incentives (EPAct 2005 Section 247)

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DOE will hold an informal public webinar to provide interested parties an opportunity to receive an overview of the Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity Incentives (EPAct 2005 Section 247) application guidance document. Attendees will also have an opportunity to direct clarifying questions to DOE staff specifically related to the application guidance. Due to the fact the webinar will be held within an open solicitation period, discussion within the webinar will be restricted to DOE providing clarity on the application guidance.

Registration for the webinar is required. Participants are responsible for ensuring their systems are compatible with the webinar software. The webinar will be recorded, and a transcript of the proceedings will be made available on DOE’s website.

The guidance documents and other details related to the public webinar can be found at