The DOE announced a $70 million funding opportunity to enhance the cybersecurity posture of electric cooperative, municipal, and small investor-owned utilities. This funding will help build a more secure and resilient energy grid that is better prepared to meet the cybersecurity threats facing electric utilities. The RMUC Program’s Advanced Cybersecurity Technology (ACT) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) aims to fund projects in the following three topic areas: Support investments in cybersecurity technologies, tools, training, and improvements in processes and procedures for eligible electric utilities to improve their cybersecurity posture; Strengthen the peer-to-peer and not-for-profit technical assistance ecosystem currently serving eligible electric utilities by providing funding for technology investments; and Increase access to technical assistance and training for eligible utilities with limited cybersecurity resources by providing funding that will broaden the scope of products and services available. Only applicants who are invited to apply based on their Pre-Applications are eligible to submit a Full Application.