To support the Indian Health Service mission, the Sanitation Facilities Construction Program provides technical and financial assistance to American Tribes and Alaska Native villages for the cooperative development and construction of safe drinking water supply, sewage, and solid waste disposal facilities, and related support facilities. The bill includes a maximum 3 percent ($21 million) set-aside for salaries, expenses, and administration each year. These funds are limited to Federal costs only. It also directs 0.5 percent ($3.5 million) each year to the Depart of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General for oversight of these funds. Additionally, the bill directs the Indian Health Service to use up to $2.2 billion of the $3.5 billion appropriation on economically infeasible projects. Economically infeasible projects are those that exceed a per unit cost set for each Indian Health Service Area, and three different regions within the Indian Health Service Alaska Area.

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Federal Agency: Department of Health and Human Services

Category: Program