The EPA Gulf of Mexico Division (GMD) is announcing a Request for Applications (RFA) from eligible applicants for a partnership of five or more eligible entities (a partnership of the applicant with four or more other organizations) to submit a single application under this RFA to fund multiple projects/activities authorized by CWA 104(b)(3). Two of the partners must be small community-based organizations (for purposes of this RFA, this is defined as 10 or fewer full time equivalent employees). Projects must address one or more of the four Gulf of Mexico Division Priority Areas for this RFA listed. EPA expects that the recipient and subrecipients will implement activities to support the following Priority Areas:
1. Water Quality Improvement;
2. Protect, Enhance, or Restore Habitat;
3. Environmental Education; and/or
4. Strengthen Community Resilience.
Applications must identify which eligible organization will be the recipient of the grant (the “pass-through entity”) and which eligible organizations will be subrecipients.