The Leading Edge NOFO provides funding to owners aiming to quickly meet ambitious carbon reduction, renewable energy generation, use of building materials with lower embodied carbon, and resilience goals without requiring extensive technical assistance from HUD. Approximately $400 million is available or FY 2023. This NOFO is designed to enable property owners to pursue high levels of energy efficiency, electrification, emissions reduction, climate resilience, and the use of low embodied carbon materials. These awards, provided in the form of GRRP Grants or Surplus Cash Loans, will enable owners to make investments expected to achieve a significant net zero energy or net zero carbon certification. Application Deadlines: 07/31/2023 to be considered in the First Application Period; 10/31/2023 to be considered in the Second Application Period; 01/31/2024 to be considered in the Third Application Period; 05/15/2024 for all other applications.